Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Archive for September, 2009

Quote of the Day

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Lawrence Osborne:

But Tokyo, let us remember, is still by far the largest, the richest and the most complex city the human race has ever devised. And it’s by far the most perverse, the most erotically intricate. Is this a coincidence? I think not.

William Gibson would most likely agree.

Obama’s Communist Troofer Czar

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Various news orgs are reporting that our Dear Leader‘s Communist Troofer Czar Van Jones resigned.  Hardly surprising, his “resignation letter” was one big play of the “victim card.”

Our Dear Leader lost a chance to reach across the aisle by firing this racist, communist, anti-American, but he decided to continue in his path of being the most divisive President since at least Richard M. Nixon.

This goes back to the issue of how did a Communist Troofer get into the inner circle of President of the United States of America?  BHO has a vetting problem from day one.  Socialists, tax cheats and corrupt government officials have been perfectably acceptable for even cabinet officials in Team Lightbringer.

The folks in the White House obviously don’t see any of these issues, including 9/11 Trooferism and being admitted Communist, as a problem.  The vast majority of the American people do see these as being a serious problem, which is just another example of just how out of touch with the average American our Dear Leader and Team Lightbringer are.

The Fusion of Rap & Science

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

When you mix Science with Gangster Rap you get some damn funny music!

Check out E=MC Hawkin’s A Brief History Of Rhyme

Biden’s fantasy

Friday, September 4th, 2009

Vice-President Joey Biden is spinning like a top, spreading the fantasy that the porkulus package is doing anything positive for the economy while hundreds of thousands of jobs are being lost each month.

Friday B-Movie Pick: Murder by Death

Friday, September 4th, 2009

Murder by Death

From 1976 comes this murder mystery spoof that sends up the classic movie dectives. Sam Spade, Charlie Chan, Nick and Nora, and Miss Marple are amoung those who are spoofed. Great cast, Peter Falk, James Cromwell, David Niven and Peter Sellers are just some of the actors who obviously had a lot of fun with this flick.

Friday B-Movie Archive

Unemployment is on the rise again

Friday, September 4th, 2009

The Obama Economy is operating as predicted, with employment hitting a 26 year high of 9.7%.

Let us review what our Dear Lader and the congressional democrats told us when they rammed the porkulus bill down America’s throat.  If the massive spending program (that doesn’t even start to spend two thirds of the money until after 2010) wasn’t passed, unemployment would hit 9% and if it was passed, it wouldn’t go over 8%.

Geoff has a nice chart that compares the Team Lightbringer fantasy with reality.  Let me sum up the chart for you, the so called democrat “leadership” who came up with that Charlie Foxtrot are either incompetent or liars.  Either one of those solutions is not very comforting to the American people.

A shout out to Steven Crowder

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

I was at a Tea Party protest in Worcester, MA today snapping pictures for PJTV and ran into this fan of PJTV’s Steven Crowder.

Losing your base

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Politically, that is a bad thing to do. President G.W. Bush and the GOP acted like they were intentionally out to piss off their fiscally conservative, Libertarian leaning base for most of his time in the White House. Clearly, that strategy didn’t work out too well for them, loosing both houses of Congress and the White House.

Now it seems that our Dear Leader is following yet another bad example set by former President G.W. Bush, i.e. pissing off his base. A lot of the really far left moonbat wackos aren’t happy because he isn’t putting enough admitted communists in positions of power and now it seems that classic liberal, minivan driving, soccer moms are starting to get pissed off our Dear Leader raiding their kids, and future grandkids, college funds through out of control spending and taxes.

Tea Party Attending Liberal Soccer Mom

Tea Party Attending Liberal Soccer Mom

I’m betting that the owner of this minivan voted for our Dear Leader and isn’t happy with how that turned out.

Comic book movie goodness

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

Scarlett Johansson will be playing Natasha Romanoff, aka The Black Widow, in the upcoming Iron Man 2 and The Avengers movies.

This is cool strickly on the Eye Candy meter alone.  She has pulled off some good action rolls before (The Island), so it could be cool in other ways too.

John Carter of Mars film still in the works

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

A film version of “A Princess of Mars”, the first in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars series has been listed  on IMDB since 2005.

It’s still listed as  in pre-production, with the latest in release dates as 2012. There are also some cast listings.  The most interesting is Willem Dafoe as the Green Martian King Tars Tarkas.

As I said before, this film could be amazingly cool or a fiasco of epic proportions. With William Dafoe on board, I’m leaning more toward amazingly cool.

If the four armed Green Martians look sufficently cool, this could be a plus toward getting David Weber & John Ringo‘s March Upcountry made into a film.  That would be a good thing.