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Archive for June 7th, 2012

Quote of the Day

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

“President Obama wanted to go to Wisconsin, but he just didn’t have time. He’s been doing so many campaign fundraisers lately he barely has time to play golf. ”

Ann Coulter

Graph of the Day

Thursday, June 7th, 2012
Reality vs. Obamanonics

Reality vs. Obamanonics

According to our Dear Leader’s Keynesian fantasies, unemployment should be under 6% and falling.

Instead, reality got in the way, and his massive deficit spending  has resulted in unemployment at 8.2% and real unemployment over 14%.

This is just one reason he and his allies are desperate to talk about anything besides his record.

Just to make sure you’re getting this, let’s look at another version of this graph.

Reality vs. Obamanonics II

This is the Obama economy.