Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Obama’s Communist Troofer Czar

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Various news orgs are reporting that our Dear Leader‘s Communist Troofer Czar Van Jones resigned.  Hardly surprising, his “resignation letter” was one big play of the “victim card.”

Our Dear Leader lost a chance to reach across the aisle by firing this racist, communist, anti-American, but he decided to continue in his path of being the most divisive President since at least Richard M. Nixon.

This goes back to the issue of how did a Communist Troofer get into the inner circle of President of the United States of America?  BHO has a vetting problem from day one.  Socialists, tax cheats and corrupt government officials have been perfectably acceptable for even cabinet officials in Team Lightbringer.

The folks in the White House obviously don’t see any of these issues, including 9/11 Trooferism and being admitted Communist, as a problem.  The vast majority of the American people do see these as being a serious problem, which is just another example of just how out of touch with the average American our Dear Leader and Team Lightbringer are.

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Obama’s attack on a “Woman’s Right to Choose”

Friday, July 24th, 2009

A “Woman’s Right to Choose” is the liberal code word for abortion, which as a Libertarian, I view as none of my damn business. Liberals however, see the government’s role as making sure that 14 year old girls who can’t get their ears pierced without parental consent can have a living fetus removed from their body and killed without mom and dad ever knowing about. They take this pretty damn seriously. You would be hard pressed to find a “Pro-Life” supporter in democrat leadership, while you can find both “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice” folks under the Republican banner.

Given the left’s focus on this subject, I find it odd, and a bit disturbing, to find one of our Dear Leader‘s Czars strongly against a “woman’s right to choose.” What is even more disturbing is that BHO’s “Science Czar” doesn’t want to take away a woman’s choice to have an abortion, he wants to take away her choice to have a child.

President Obama’s “science czar,” John Holdren, once floated the idea of forced abortions, “compulsory sterilization,” and the creation of a “Planetary Regime” that would oversee human population levels and control all natural resources as a means of protecting the planet — controversial ideas his critics say should have been brought up in his Senate confirmation hearings.

[Holdren’s] plans include forcing single women to abort their babies or put them up for adoption; implanting sterilizing capsules in people when they reach puberty; and spiking water reserves and staple foods with a chemical that would make people sterile.

Damn! Not only does our Dear Leader want to decide who lives and dies by taking control of Health Care, he wants to control who gets to reproduce through forced abortions and mandatory sterilization.

Is this the “change” liberals were hoping for when they voted for Barry. I hope to God that it isn’t.

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