Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Monday Round Up

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

In the poster city for long term democrat reign, Detroit residents complain that packs of dogs terrorize citizens subjects.

The niece of “Plugs” Biden, i.e. the idiot a heartbeat from the Oval Office, is an addict and she blames Uncle Joe.

Far left extremist moonbat Nancy Pelosi, the so-called “Leader” of the House democrats, claims there is nothing left to cut from the federal budget.

First off, there hasn’t been a federal budget passed since George W. Bush was President.  Second, she’s an idiot.  Let’s start a short list of stuff and can be easily cut and will benefit the American taxpayer.

  1. The $2.2 billion Obamaphone program
  2. Supplying arms and funding to known terrorist groups in Syria
  3. The Department of Education
  4. Obamacare
  5. Fraud and Waste in the federal food stamps program
  6. Most, if not all, of the Department of Labor

The IRS really did have a ‘hit list’ that targeted conservative groups.  This can count as our Dear Leader keeping at least one of his promises.

Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan is no fan of Barack Hussein Obama’s Tax, Barrow, and Spend policies.

File under: There is nothing quite as intolerant and closed minded as a “tolerant and open minded liberal.”

Violent online game lets players murder NRA officials by shooting them. It’s all the rage with the peace loving left who want to take firearms from the law abiding by force.


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