Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Archive for September 28th, 2012

Friday B-Movie Pick: Sharpe’s Challenge

Friday, September 28th, 2012

Sharpe’s Challenge

After a long break from the Sharpe series of movies, Sean Bean returns to the role of Richard Sharpe. This time he has to travel to India to save his ex-NCO, played by Daragh O’Malley. They had the budget to actually film this in India, so ya, really nice location shots, and a beautiful Indian actress to play the femme fatale. A good solid action flick set in the hayday of the British Empire. It stands alone well, but you may want to watch the entire series before watching this. I did, and it was time well spent. After watching these, you will know how to fire three rounds a minute from a musket!

Friday B-Movie Pick

Obama Economy Chart of the day

Friday, September 28th, 2012

Back in early August, I posted a chart that compared the GDP growth rate of inflation.

It showed that the GDP was growing slower than the rate of inflation, or to put it more simply, the money you have is losing value faster than the economy is growing.

It’s time for an updated version of that chart, since the Fed just reduced the GDP rate for Q2 2012 to 1.3%, not the 1.5% they projected back in early August.

As you can see, the economy under our Dear Leader’s regime is clearly going in the wrong direction.