Monday Book Pick: Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up

Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up by Katie Pavlich

Here are the details about the blood drenched Obama policy of supplying Mexican drug lords with firearms, while at the same time working to deny Americans their Second Amendment Rights. Not only have numerous Mexicans lost their lives to the Obama policy of having the ATF supply firearms to Mexican Drug cartels, US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by a Mexican drug cartel member using a weapon supplied by the Obama adminstration.

Monday book Pick Archive

The Political Landscape

February 24, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Clintons, Politics 

The Nevada caucuses are over for both parties, and the Republican primary has been run in South Carolina.

There is much angst in the hearts and minds of the establishment members of both parties.

Let us first take a look at the big hot mess the Republican side is.

Donald Trump is winning, and winning big.  He is ahead in the delegate count. Not just in this race either.  He is head of where Romney and McCain were at this point in the last two election cycles.

The Republican “leadership” is clutching their collective pearls and asking how in the name of a merciful God is this possible.

My advice to them is to take a long, hard look in the mirror.  The Republican “leadership”, especially in Congress has been destroying their brand value for decades.  They have worked long and hard to completely alienate their conservative base.

Speaking of that conservative base, in a rare instance of agreement with the party leadership, they are as confused over this whole Donald Trump thing as the leadership is.  Not for the same reasons though.  The “establishment” leaders of the GOP put a lot of money behind former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.  In past Presidential elections, this would have been enough to give Jeb a pretty good shot at winning the primary battle.  Not this time though, remember that whole alienating their voter base thing?  So the people who think they run the GOP have had their candidate shot down in flames.

The conservative base is scratching the collective heads because they don’t consider Trump to be an actual Republican.  Take a look at his record.  He has self-identified as a democrat in the past, and has supported a lot of democrats. As I have pointed out before there are some strong similarities between some his policies and those of the admitted socialist Bernie Sanders.  Their policies on legal and illegal immigration for example. There is another reason to believe that Trump is not a Republican.  He knows how to handle a hostile press.

So why is Trump so far ahead?  Simple.  He is perceived as a “Washington outsider.”  The voters are sick and tired of “business as usual” inside the Beltway.  They don’t want to throw away a vote on the same old, same old once again.  Look who is second place, Texas Senator Ted  Cruz.  He is not just hated by the congressional Republican leadership, they actually fear the concept of him in the Oval Office.  He doesn’t “play ball” and cozy up to the democrats. He actually tries to keep his promises to the people who elected him, which makes him a renegade maverick in Washington, regardless of the letter after his name.

I’m not a Trump fan, but his run for the Presidency is fascinating for a political junkie.  Not only is he appealing to pissed off GOP voters, he has actual cross party support.  Polling has consistently shown that 20% of his supporters are Blue Collar democrats.  What used to loyal democrats who have been thrown under the bus by their party over the past seven years. He is also doing better than the typical GOP candidate in traditionally democrat demographics.  Namely hispanics, blacks and women.

To see why Trump is doing well with those traditional democrat groups, just look at how the democrats have been treating their base since they started the Occupy the White House Golf Tour in January 2009.

There has been mild, sporadic and slow economic growth since the recession ended in July 2009, despite our Dear Leader’s best efforts to kill it. Most people have benefited from this. Except for blacks.  They have gotten the shaft, despite all the promises made back in 2008. Just take a look at the very detailed information on employment, and unemployment, at the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.  You can find breakdowns by race, gender, and age. As Senator Sanders has pointed out in his stump speeches, unemployment among black Americans is significantly higher than those of white Americans or any other group of American. This has not gone unnoticed by black single parent mothers, who are now working three jobs to send their kids to private school instead of two.  Why they are sending their kids to private schools instead of public schools is left as an exercise to the reader in yet another way the democrats have been alienating their base.

Americans of Hispanic descent who are registered to vote (i.e. legal immigrants, and remember that Mexico is the number one source of legal immigrants to America), are hearing Trump’s call to secure our border.  They have observed our Dear Leader’s policy of not enforcing our immigration laws, and the results of that policy.  Things they left Mexico (which is in a violent narco civil war) to get away from, are showing up here in America.  Drug Cartels, kidnapping, and armed gangs working for the cartels. In more and more cases, these violent criminal organizations are found using semi-automatic weapons supplied to them by our Dear Leader’s “Fast and Furious” program.  They don’t like it, and are turning to Trump and Sanders, both of whom want to enforce the law in regards to our southern border.

Which leads us to the question being raised by the establishment democrat leadership wondering what happened to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s comfortable stroll to primary victory they were predicting.  No surprised here, as I’ve pointed out, they have been working hard to alienate their base as well.  Plus the fact that HRC is extremely unlikable, and massively corrupt.  So democrat voters are also looking for an outsider.  Thus the support for the socialist from Vermont from everyone who doesn’t like or trust Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Given her high negatives, and history of massive corruption, is a significant number of democrats.  This does not speak well of Hillary.  She was correct when she said that Sander wasn’t a democrat until he decided to run for President.  He has always run openly as a socialist. While in the Senate, he caucused with the democrats, but was not officially a member of their party.

However, you aren’t seeing the runaway victories that Trump has been seeing in the Republican primaries.  This is because of another thing the doddering old socialist has gotten right.  The system is rigged. The DNC has been blatantly in the tank for Hillary Rodham Clinton in this cycle. HRC is well ahead in the delegate count because the party made sure she had the super delegates wrapped up long before those pesky citizens could possibly muck up their coronation of Queen Hillary the First.

What did Obama know and when did he know it?

September 2, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

By way of Ms. Malkin, comes this LA Times story that shows the Obama White House knew about the corrupt ATF “Fast & Furious” program very, very early on.

Newly obtained emails show that the White House was better informed about a failed gun-tracking operation on the border with Mexico than was previously known.

Three White House national security officials were given some details about the operation, dubbed Fast and Furious. The operation allowed firearms to be illegally purchased, with the goal of tracking them to Mexican drug cartels. But the effort went out of control after agents lost track of many of the weapons.

The supervisor of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation in Phoenix specifically mentioned Fast and Furious in at least one email to a White House national security official, and two other White House colleagues were briefed on reports from the supervisor, according to White House emails and a senior administration official.

Our Dear Leader‘s administration has responded to the “Fast & Furious” scandal by continuing their war on transparency. ATF Head Kenneth Melson is being shuffled out of office.  It is as if the Obama administration doesn’t want him to answer any questions about the “Fast  & Furious” scandal.

Even the Obama cheerleaders at CBS News are starting to use the word “coverup.”

Congressional investigators tell CBS News there’s evidence the U.S. Attorney’s office in Arizona sought to cover up a link between their controversial gunwalking operation known as “Fast and Furious” and the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Terry was murdered in Arizona near the US border last December. Two assault rifles ATF had allegedly allowed onto the street without interdiction were found at the scene.

But the US Attorney’s office working both the Terry murder and the “Fast and Furious” operation did not immediately disclose the two had any link. Two Republicans investigating the scandal, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) say there’s evidence that officials at ATF and the US Attorney’s office sought to hide the connection.

HT to Ace for the CBS News “coverup” story.

Round Up Post

Let’s lead with Obama’s illegal “Fast and Furious” gun running operation.  Read the whole thing, what the Obama White House has been claiming “executive privilege” over is all about the cover up of their illegal activities. This scandal has a large body count, and senior members of the Obama administration, including Valerie Jarrett, should be getting jail time for their involvement.

It’s has been obvious for a long time that the so-called “progressive” left is no fan of free speech. They are not just making it part of the official  record.

Massachusetts democrat candidate for governor Martha Coakley is such a horrible candidate, that even the far left Boston Globe endorses Charlie Baker, her Republican opponent.

Speaking of far left wing newspapers, the Washington Post admits that not only is voter fraud widespread, it  could even be the deciding factor in multiple elections.


Not good enough to work in the Obama White House

The continuous flow of scandals, felonies, lies and cover ups coming from the Obama White House reminded me of this exchange from the TV show Archer.

Cyril Figgis: How do you keep track of all these lies?

Sterling Archer: Practice Cyril. Lying is like 95% of what I do.

Cyril Figgis: In your job.

Sterling Archer: Sure.

Sorry Archer, 95% just isn’t good enough to work in the Obama White administration.

Case in point, White House Spokes Weasel Jay Carney.  He has moved well beyond the typical spin control required in the job and right into Baghdad Bob territory.  Plenty of video evidence of that.

Let’s review:

The Entire Obama White House staff, and numerous members of the Obama executive branch, lied repeatedly, in fact often, on National TV, about the murder of four Americans, including an Ambassador in Benghazi.  That is documented.  Proven over and over again.  Which is why most leftists will claim it’s ‘not a big deal’, since they can’t deny it or blame President G.W. Bush.

The Obama regime lied repeatedly over the IRS multiple violations of the First Amendment rights of Conservative groups.  The Obama cultists’ explanation of this is particularly hypocritical, since they are claiming the Tea Party groups were asking for it by wearing a short skirt, or reading the Constitution. The Cato Daily Podcast, which you should be listening to, interviewed one of the top people at the D.C. branch of the ACLU. This fellow felt this was a big fornicating deal.  It was deliberate targeting of a group practice of free political speech.  A clear felony level violation of the First Amendment. The ACLU is taking the classic Liberal position here, which is the territory of Libertarians these days.  The self identified “progressives” are being true to form, since they never were fans of free speech or the market place of free ideas.

The Obama regime lied, and continues to lie, about their Fast and Furious program in where it supplied semi-automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels.  A program that resulted in the murders of over 300 Mexican nationals and at least one US Federal Agent.  If this was as above board as they claim, why is our Dear Leader‘s top officials stonewalling any attempts to find out the facts?

Bottom line, our Dear Leader promised the “most transparent administration ever”, and instead he has gone into an information blackout and raised the administration’s paranoia well past the levels of the Nixon administration.  Don’t forget his previous War on Inspector Generals.

It is also interesting to watch all the far left extremists Obama cultists back pedal to defend the actions of their Lightbringer that they would have screamed bloody murder and flooded the streets protesting if anybody with a R after their name had done it.

The Cult of Obama

December 12, 2012 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

I refer to hardcore extremist Obama supporters as cultists. I prefer this term to “O-Bots” or “Moonbats”, because it is more descriptive of the behavior exhibited. You can observe them dropping their supposedly “core beliefs” as soon as they become in conflict with their devoted worship of our Dear Leader. The so-called “Peace movement” for example. Our Dear Leader followed the Bush timetable in Iraq, doubled down in Afghanistan, and started the unprecedented Drone War. Yet to the Obama cultists, Bush & Cheney are still “War Criminals” while Barry is making America “more loved” throughout the world. This is despite the growing military threat of Communist China, the North Korean and Iranian nuclear programs, Islamofascists taking over in the Middle East after the so called “Arab Spring, Russia walking away from missile defense treaties, and Al Qaeda murdering an US Ambassador.

I had one Obama cultists flat out deny that the US Congress has failed to produce a budget in over three years. That is an undisputable fact! No budget has made it through both houses of Congress in over three years. The House has passed several, but no budget has made it out of the democrat controlled Senate, including several submitted by President Obama! Not only did this cultist deny the reality of the lack of an actual federal budget, he went on to claim that the debt was growing at the same rate under Obama as it was under GW Bush. Let’s review that one. In the eight years of the GW Bush administration, the debt grew by $4 Trillion. There are even clips of Obama calling that level of debt growth “unpatriotic.” At the point I was having the “discussion” with Obama cultist, the federal debt had grown another $4 Trillion in less than four years since Obama took office. Even skimming a half Trillion that he “inherited” from the previous budget (i.e. the last federal budget passed and signed by the President, which was GW Bush at the time), that is still $3.5 Trillion in new debt in under four years! That is almost double the rate that our Dear Leader called “unpatriotic!” The reality of actual math wouldn’t sway this cultist from his belief in the Lightbringer. At that point I just stopped trying to have an actual intelligent discussion with cultist, who in other aspects of his life, is actually quite bright. There is an old saying about wrestling with pigs in the mud that applies here.

During the election cycle, there were Obama cultists, who “didn’t care” (their exact words) about the 300 plus dead Mexicans, and at least one US Federal agent,  killed by Obama’s Fast and Furious program, or the fact that all of Obama’s records, college, medical, etc. were sealed, but were livid over Governor Romney only releasing one years of worth of tax return. They were on their high hobby horses claiming criminal fraud. They also viciously attacked anyone who dared disagree with them over the slightest point of their claims, which, of course, had absolutely no evidence behind them what so ever. When the details of Governor Romney’s tax returns came out, showing that not only was there no evidence of criminal fraud what so ever (in fact, he deliberately over paid his federal taxes because of his own personal concepts of “fairness”), there was not one word of apology or even admission of “over stating” the issue from the cultists in question. They just moved their hatred of anyone who dared to question their deity to the next DNC sanctioned talking point.

Summing up the left’s so-called “argument”

December 3, 2012 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

1. Change subject

2. Add strawman

3. Play Race Card

4. Walk away like a 6 year old

Muir nails it again.  Really, the hypocrisy of the left concerning their leftist savior is pushing cultist behavior.

There are idiots still driving around with Obama “peace signs” on their cars despite his doubling down in Afghanistan and the drone war (which has the official Dick Cheney seal of approval).

“Compassionate and Caring” so-called “liberals”, and I quote, “really don’t care” about the 300 plus dead Mexicans, and at least one federal agent, killed by Obama’s “Fast and Furious” program of supplying firearms to Mexican drug wars.

The same so-called “liberals” who wanted VP Cheney hauled away in handcuffs over the non-outing of a non-covert CIA agent, even after the facts came out showing it was a non-political mid-level state department staffer, are utterly and completely uninterested in the Benghazi cover up that resulted in the murder of four Americans, including a US Ambassador, by Al Qaeda terrorists.

The list goes on and one, but these are some of the more obvious examples.

Debate roundup

October 17, 2012 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Media Bias, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Romney 

MSNBC’s Handpicked Panel of Undecided Voters Breaks Hard For Romney
CNN’s so called “moderator” Candy Crowley Admits Romney Was Right On Libya After All

Our Dear Leader spoke of his support for the former federal ban on semi-automatic rifles used in less than 0.1% of crimes while trying desperately to ignore any reference to his Fast and Furious program that gave that class of rifles to Mexican drug gangs.

One of the supposedly “independent” voters asked about unequal pay between men and women, but either didn’t know or wouldn’t bring up the fact that women in the Obama White House are paid less than men doing the same work.

More later.

UpdateElection Roundtable: The Libya Debate Debacle and Why the Buck Does Not Stop with Obama

Quote of the Day

August 21, 2012 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Politics 

“So called “compassionate” liberals who are more concerned about Gov. Romney’s tax returns than the 300 dead Mexicans killed by Obama’s Fast and Furious program are neither compassionate or liberal in the classical sense.”

Wednesday Round Up

August 24, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics 

Various bits from the past week or so…

Our Dear Leader‘s policies in the Middle East has made the “Arab Street” hate America even more then they did back when G.W Bush was President. No real surprise to anyone who was paying attention.

Someone please tell the part time adjunct professor of Constitutional law living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that the President has to actually send trade agreements (and other treaties) to Congress before they can approve them.

The Obama Administration recently violated the ban on federal funding on ACORN.  Rule of Law never has been their strong point.

Rep. Tony Weiner’s (democrat – NYC) district may elect a Republican.

This is no surprise to anyone paying attention, but Obamacare is a disaster

More raw hate from the left

The Mainsteam media’s silence on operation “Fast and Furious” is growing deafening.

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