Thomas (Tom or Tommy to friends) is from a wealthy American family. While at Harvard he became involved with a group
smuggling in stolen French wines and Cognacs. He was out of the country the police arrested most of the gang. His father (William Sean Kennedy) went to great expense to keep charges from being brought against Tom. The elder Kennedy contacted his son and suggested that not returning to America would be the best thing Tom could do for his family. A trust fund was set up through a London Bank for Tom. The elder Kennedy's lawyers would make annual payments as long at he stayed abroad. After a brief stay in England, Tom traveled through India and China. Tom shortly set up an office and a bank account in Honk Kong. His business was listed as Import/Export specializing in art and historical objects. Most of this was completely honest. There was the occasional customer who wanted an object with out large export fees. Most his smuggling during this period was of drugs, guns and women. He moved his offices to India when his success prompted the Hong Kong police to sharply raise their fee for overlooking his non-legal business dealings. There he became interested in Big Game hunting. He kept his hand in smuggling, but not at previous levels. He began organizing hunting expeditions for groups of English, French, American and German tourists. This lead to off planet expeditions of lavish detail and great expense.
Currently Tom spends very little time on Earth. He maintains residences in the British compound on Mars and the German Enclave on Venus. He has used expeditions as fronts for smuggling operations. In addition to his previous goods, he now includes sealed packages of government documents, people and restricted luxury goods. In between expeditions, he travels Mars and Venus in search of new opportunities. As he has been heard to say, "Good business is where you find it."