Signature Quotes: Role Playing & other Games, page 2

These are from my collection of sig quotes, collected from years of crawling about the Internet. Share and Enjoy...

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"You can learn a lot about local technology and culture by what people are trying to kill you with."
"The Imperium runs on Imperial Might, Superior Strategy, and Coffee." -- Grand Admiral Gaiishev gev'Hault, Archduke Domain of Gastion
Traveller, the game of Interstellar trucking.
"Local Satanic parents distraught to learn that Dungeons and Dragons is actually just improv and math."
"I wish dwarves were real just because the folk metal they would produce would be completely unfathomable."
"Speak up! It's really hard to hear you over the screaming. Nope. It's not use. I'll have to stop the screaming. Disintegrations all around, then." -- Xanathar
"Artificers, trust them even less than the party rogue, and that's saying a lot."
"I'm now having visions of a two-stroke Jump drive starter..." -- Timothy Collinson on the TML
STEM: Sorcery, thaumaturgy, Enchantment, Magic
"How many conspiracies does it take to change a light bulb? Fnord."
"To be fair, it's hard to write an engaging RPG for a worlds where everything has been reduced to radioactive dust..." -- Bruce Johnson on the TML
"If there's one thing that's consistent with Mongoose [Traveller] pubs, it's that a lot of things get screwed up." -- Phil Pugliese on the TML
All in all, the thing was … medieval. Not in the "knight in shining armor" way of fairy tales and princesses, but medieval in the "crowded into a city where people shit in the street and we’re all going to die of dysentery." -- Jeffrey Schwartz on the TML
Traveller's vast space,
Stars and planets to explore,
Roleplay your own tale.
"Only you can prevent dungeon fires. Kill the Wizard first."
"Failure is not an option. It is mandatory. The option is whether or not to let failure be the last thing you do." -- Seventy Maxims for Maximally Effective Mercenaries
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