Signature Quotes: RKBA & Victim Disarment Part 3

These are from my collection of sig quotes, collected from years of crawling about the Internet. Share and Enjoy...

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"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.  Liberty is two wolves attempting to have a sheep for dinner and finding a  well-informed, well-armed sheep." -- Unknown 
Massachusetts ranked 51st out of all states plus D.C. for Total death rate per 100,000 by Injury by firearms, with a 4.6 rating, according to "The World Almanac of the U.S.A.," by Allan Carpenter and Carl Provorse (ISBN 0-88687-831-4).
Who's first?  D.C., at 48.5 per 100,000. 
"Look at what's happening in America's inner-cities.  If our hopeless legal system continues going the same liberal direction, there will be anarchy before long.  We need one person in an influential position to stand up and tell the truth about gun control lobbies, the death penalty and that our criminal justice system basically stinks." -- Sylvester Stallone, interview in Cinefantastique magazine, June 1995, p.7  (Stallone was asked whether the future scenario of his comic-book action movie, Judge Dredd, could ever come true in real life.)
"Where the choice is between only violence and cowardice, I would advise violence." -- Mohandas Gandhi 
"It's not the gun that's being controlled - it's the civil rights of the law-abiding." -- Robert G. Heinritz, Jr., Attorney & managment consultant
We urge passage of federal legislation--and meanwhile, in its absence, the partial remedy of state law--to prohibit, with few and narrowly drawn exceptions, the private ownership and possession of handguns, much the way existing laws prohibit machine guns, grenades and cannons. -- Adopted by American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Board of Directors in September 1976; see national ACLU policy #47, "Gun Control
"...showed that HCI gave anti-gun Columbus Oh. Police Officer Dewey Stokes, who heads the Fraternal Order of Police, $2,000 on June 30, 1989. HCI has now given him $3,000 since the first of the year. It does not say why he received it, only that it was a 'contribution." -- 1989 Federal Lobbying Report for the first half of the year.
"Phillip C. McGuire, former associate director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, received substantial payments from HCI for expense requests." -- 1989 Federal Lobbying Report for the first half of the year.
"Gee, I wish I were a bumbling, sexist, trigger-happy cowboy! I'd join the ATF!" - picture caption in SPY magazine
"A highly placed library source in Washington, DC told A&D that the American Library Association lobby and the National Rifle Association lobby are the only ones whose information was considered consistently truthful and reliable by legislators. We will not even consider the "strange bedfellows" variations possible to that remark." --Library Journal, New York, September 15, 1988
...."The authors take Dodge City in 1871,(where there was essentially no police or justice system at all,) as the archetype of lawlessness in American history. Yet its murder rate was only half that of the nation's capital, Washington, D.C., in 1990, a rate of 80 per 100,000 annually, meaning that your chances of being murdered over a lifetime in the city are about 1 in 16. Indeed, among children under 12, murder is now the leading cause of death in Washington." -- National Review Nov, 4 1991, Paul Johnson's review of the book "The Great Reckoning: How the World Will Change in the Depression of the 1990's, by James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg (Summit Books, 300 pp., $22)
"The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the 'High Powers' delegated directly to the citizen by the United States Constitution, Amendment II....A law cannot be passed to infringe upon it or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the law-making power." - Texas Supreme Court Decision, Cockrum vs State of Texas, ---- 1859
"On the whole, citizens are more successful gun users than are the police. When police shoot, they are 5.5 times more likely to hit an innocent person than are civilian shooters." (CATO Institute Policy Analysis No. 109, TRUST THE PEOPLE: THE CASE AGAINST GUN CONTROL, by David Kopel)
"The maintenance of civil order and social democracy is in our hands. It has been there all along. In a nationwide study, Don Kates at the St. Louis University School of Law found that police succeed in wounding or driving off criminals only 81% as often as armed citizens and are 15% more likely to be wounded or killed themselves. More than FIVE TIMES as many cops shoot some innocent individual in the process as civilians do." -- (L. Neil Smith's "The Atrocity Engineers")
"The consequences of the behavior of the BATF in these kinds of cases is that they are not trusted. They are detested, and I have described them properly as jackbooted American fascists. They have shown no concern over the rights of ordinary citizens or their property. They intrude without the slightest regard or concern." -- Rep. Dingell (D-Mich) From the Congressional Record, page H1382; Between 12:10p and 12:20p on February 8th, 1995.
"[The BATF]...has had its share of problems, including inexcusable errors leading up to the tragedy at Waco. [and]... is badly in need of internal reform. Waco was merely the most spectacular in a series of lapses in which the BATF became too aggressive...". -- The New York Times Editorial 5/4/95
"[The BATF's]...woeful record of sex and racial discrimination."
"[The] BATF is struggling with a legacy of mismanagement and large, visible mistakes that have undermined the public's confidence in its ability to do its job." -- The New York Times Editorial 5/4/95
"Based upon these hearings it is apparent that enforcement tactics made possible by current federal firearms laws are constitutionally, legally, and practically reprehensible. ...These practices, amply documented in hearings before this Subcommittee, leave little doubt that the Bureau has disregarded rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States. ...It has trampled upon the Second Amendment by chilling exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by law abiding citizens. ... It has offended the Fourth Amendment by unreasonably searching and seizing private property. .It has ignored the Fifth Amendment by taking private property without just compensation and by entrapping honest citizens without regard for their right to due process of law. ... The rebuttal presented to the Subcommittee by the Bureau was utterly unconvincing. ...Evidence was submitted establishing that approximately 75 percent of BATF gun prosecutions were aimed at ordinary citizens who had neither criminal intent nor knowledge...." -- Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Senate Judiciary Committee, October 1980
"... many Americans do believe that handguns are effective weapons for home-defense and the majority of Americans ...believe the Second Amendment of the Constitution guarantees the individual right to keep and bear arms. Yet, many who support the individual's right to own a handgun have second thoughts when the issue comes down to assault weapons. Assault weapons are often viewed the same way as machine guns and `plastic' firearms -- a weapon that poses such a grave risk that it's worth compromising a perceived constitutional right." -- "Assault Weapons: Analysis, New Research and Legislation" Josh Sugarmann, March 1989
"Assault weapons... are a new topic. The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully-automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons -- anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun -- can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons." -- "Assault Weapons: Analysis, New Research and Legislation" Josh Sugarmann, March 1989
[taken from the editorial, Wall Street Journal, 15 May 1995]
Federal officials after the fire insisted that the CS gas was nonflammable. But, according to U.S. Army manuals, there is a significant risk of flammability from the CS gas pariculates. U.S. Army Field Manual FM-21-27 states: "Warning: when using the dry agent CS-1, do not discharge indoors. Accumulating dust may explode when exposed to spark or open flame."
"That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms ..." -- Samuel Adams in arguing for a Bill of Rights, from the book "Massachusetts," published by Pierce & Hale, Boston, 1850, pg. 86-87.
75% of American Voters in a USN&WR survey believe that the Constitution guarantees you the right to own a gun. (USN&WR 5/22/95, page 29)
"Only the police and Military should be allowed to have guns." --Stalin Rock (Canadian Justice Minister) 
Gun control isn't about guns -- it's about control. 
Cigarette lighters cause more fatal accidents for children than do guns. (In 1984, the number of accidental deaths from all types of guns for children under the age of 5 was 34, while that same year 90 children aged 0-4 were killed by cigarette lighters. Centers for Disease Control, "Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report," March 11, 1988, p. 145; _Consumer's Research_, May 1988, p. 34.) 
"It is also interesting to note that the top officials of Handgun Control Institute are gun owners themselves. They also intend on keeping them. It's other people's guns that bother them..."
Gun controllers want to apply the urban laws to the rural areas, so that everyone will get their 'fair share' of crime. 
"The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defense of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power." Oregon Constitution. Article I, Section 27 
"Ten years ago this month, a controversial "concealed-carry" law went into effect in the state of Florida. In a sharp break from the conventional wisdom of the time, that law allowed adult citizens to carry concealed firearms in public. Many people feared the law would quickly lead to disaster. Blood would literally be running in the streets as citizens shot at one another over everything from fender benders to impolite behavior. Now, 10 years later, it is safe to say that those dire predictions were completely unfounded. Indeed, the debate over concealed-carry laws now centers on the extent to which those laws can actually reduce the crime rate."
FIGHTING BACK: Crime, Self-Defense, and the Right to Carry a Handgun
by Jeffrey R. Snyder 
"A well-regulated population being necessary to the security of a police state, the right of the Government to keep and destroy arms shall not be infringed." 
"At Waco, was there really an urgency to get those people out of the compound at that particular time? Was the press going to make it look heroic for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?
At Ruby Ridge, there was one guy in a cabin at the top of the mountain. Was it necessary for federal agents to go up there and shoot a 14-year-old in the back and shoot a woman with a child in her arms? What kind of mentality does that?" -- Clint Eastwood in Parade Magazine, January 12, 1997 
"The great body of our citizens shoot less as times goes on. We should encourage rifle practice among schoolboys, and indeed among all classes, as well as in the military services by every means in our power. Thus, and not otherwise, may we be able to assist in preserving peace in the world... The first step -- in the direction of preparation to avert war if possible, and to be fit for war if it should come -- is to teach men to shoot!" -- President Theodore Roosevelt's last message to Congress
"The NRA has a point about the inadvisability of simply taking guns away from the populace. If that were possible, it would not disarm that small percentage of the population willing to break the law....Punishing people who obey the law is backward thinking." -- Hugh Downs, Veteran ABC newsman
"Common sense says America is the most crime-ridden country on earth while Britain is an oasis of peace and tranquility. Common sense is wrong," -- The Sunday London Times
"[President Clinton's new victim disarment laws] was nothing more than a collection of knick-knacks and doo-dads" -- Violence Police Center's director of federal policy, Kristen Rand.
"The purpose of the First Amendment's free-speech guarantee was pretty clearly to protect political discourse. But liberals reject the notion that free speech is therefore limited to political topics, even broadly defined. True, that purpose is not inscribed in the amendment itself. But why leap to the conclusion that a broadly worded constitutional freedom ("the right of the people to keep and bear arms") is narrowly limited by its stated purpose, unless you're trying to explain it away? My New Republic colleague Mickey Kaus says that if liberals interpreted the Second Amendmentthe way they interpret the rest of the Bill of Rights, there would be law professors arguing that gun ownership is mandatory." -- anti-gun lawyer Michael Kinsley - Washington Post, January 8, 1990
"To this day, it is 1999, isn't the male primarily responsible for the physical defense of the American home? If you hear a creak on the floor downstairs in the middle of the night, the woman never says, 'Let me check.' You have to check. And you're supposed to go downstairs and confront whoever's down there with Plan B, whatever it happens to be, 'My good man, please give me that firearm and leave the premises'? I mean, give me a break! The reason men are more pro-gun is because they are responsible for the physical protection of the American home." -- Chris Matthews, the host of CNBC's Hardball
When women are disarmed, a rapist will never hear - "Stop or I'll shoot!" 
"Each time Clinton and his friends in Congress threaten another round of anti-gun regulations, the American people respond by stocking up on as many guns as possible," -- Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. 
The BATF already showed in 1992 ("Protecting America: The Effectiveness of the Federal Armed Career Criminal Statute") that only 7% of career criminals obtained their guns from legitimate dealers in the first place. 
The Brady Act is a classic case of looking for your keys under the convenient street lamp rather than in the dark alley where you actually lost them. 
"It was generally accepted by the States in the survey that illegal firearms, whether stolen, illegally imported, or manufactured, were utilized by criminals or organized criminal groups. Many States reported some level of illegal importation of firearms."-- Report of the [UN] Secretary-General on measures to regulate firearms (6th session: E/CN.15/1997/4)
Suzanna Gratia-Hupp telling the story about her murdered parents:
"This may sound a little odd to you, but I'm not angry at the guy who did it. In this case, we're talking about somebody who went insane. To me, that would be like being mad at a rabid dog. You don't be mad at it, you simply kill it. I was mad from day one, both at myself for having chosen to obey a STUPID law, and at my legislators for legislating me out of the right to protect myself and my family." 
"I know something of the history of this legislation. The original Act of 1893 was passed when there was a great influx of negro laborers in this State drawn here for the purpose of working in turpentine and lumber camps. The same condition existed when the Act was amended in 1901 and the Act was passed for the purpose of disarming the negro laborers and to thereby reduce the unlawful homicides that were prevalent in turpentine and saw-mill camps and to give the white citizens in sparsely settled areas a better feeling of security. The statute was never intended to be applied to the white population and in practice has never been so applied." - Watson v. Stone, 4 So.2d 700, 703 (Florida Supreme Court 1941) 
"The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose." -- James Earl Jones 
"The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the 'High Powers' delegated directly to the citizen by the United States Constitution, Amendment II, and "is excepted out of the general powers of government". A law cannot be passed to infringe upon it or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the law-making power. -- Texas Supreme Court Decision, Cockrum vs State of Texas, 1859
"Ironically when ROSIE O'DONNELL isn't demonizing firearms and bullying gun-owners, she's been busy profiting from her celebrity endorsement of Kmart, the largest-volume firearms retailer in America." -- National Rifle Assn. president CHARLTON HESTON, in his column for Guns & Ammo magazine. 
"Gun Control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins." -- Sammy "The Bull" Gravano,VANITY FAIR September 1999, page 165
Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped, and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.
"A gun is no more responsible for killing people than a spoon is responsible for making Rosie O'Donnell fat."
"Repealing the Second Amendment is no cause for the faint-hearted, but it remains the only way for liberals to trigger an honest debate on the future of our bullet-plagued society. So what if anti-gun advocates have to devote the next 15 or 20 years to the struggle? The cause is worth the political pain. Failing to take bold action condemns all of us to spend our lives cringing in terror every time we hear a car backfire." -- USA Today columnist Walter Shapiro, September 17, 1999
"The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the 'High Powers' delegated directly to the citizen by the United States Constitution, Amendment II, and "is excepted out of the general powers of government". A law cannot be passed to infringe upon it or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the law-making power." -- Texas Supreme Court Decision, Cockrum vs State of Texas, 1859
You may not like guns, and choose not to own one. That is your right. You might not believe in God. That is your choice. However, if someone breaks into your home the first two things youre going to do are: 1)Call someone with a gun. 2)Pray they get there in time.
When you disarm your subjects, you offend them by showing that either from cowardliness or lack of faith, you distrust them; and either conclusion will induce them to hate you. -- Niccolo Machiavelli
Maybe Cornel Young Jr. would still be alive if cops didn't assume that all citizens carrying firearms were criminals. -- Larry Savage
Silly liberal twit:
"I am afraid when a bunch of paranoid, untrained, overzealous, nervous, trigger-happy people are allowed to walk the same streets that I do who all have the power to end my life in an instant."

Rational Response:
"I know whatcha mean; the cops scare the bejesus out of me, too..."

"Smart guns are a political solution, conceived by politicians with no knowledge of firearms technology. But using buzz words like "smart gun" make them sound like they are doing something--like they 'care'." -- Todd Glenn
Never Shoot to Kill. Always Shoot to Live.
If an attacker were in your home right now, what is more likely to prevent your murder---a gun control law or a law against murder, or a gun?
"A well-regulated people, being necessary for the security of the ruling class, the rights of the citizens to keep and bear arms, shall be denied."
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
"So in the end, the Million Mom March turned out to be little more than a superhyped Democratic Party campaign rally." -- New York Post
"The most dangerous action a woman can take when faced with a criminal is to resist with her fists: That tends to annoy violent criminals, and the woman will very likely be seriously injured. But a woman who takes the advice of Handgun Control Inc. and passively submits is 2.5 times more likely to be injured than a woman who resists with a gun. So if you don't want to lie back and enjoy it, get a gun. Otherwise you may never become a mom." -- Ann Coulter
"It doesn't take a weatherman to figure out that the average citizen doesn't want national policy determined by packs of weeping women led by a shrill dim-witted talk show host [Hillary sycophant Rosie O'Donnell]." -- Camille Paglia in Salon webzine
"I say 'sorry'. It is 1999, we have had enough as a nation. You are not allowed to own a gun and if you do own a gun, I think you should go to prison." Rosie O'Donnell, Rosie O'Donnell Show, May 1999 - Rosie recently hired a bodyguard who carries a gun.
"The philosophy of gun control: Teenagers are roaring through town at 90 MPH, where the speed limit is 25. Your solution is to lower the speed limit to 20." -- SAM COHEN
64,999,987 firearm owners killed no one yesterday.
Somehow, it didn't make the news.
"The purpose of the First Amendment's free-speech guarantee was pretty clearly to protect political discourse. But liberals reject the notion that free speech is therefore limited to political topics, even broadly defined. True, that purpose is not inscribed in the amendment itself. But why leap to the conclusion that a broadly worded constitutional freedom ("the right of the people to keep and bear arms") is narrowly limited by its stated purpose, unless you're trying to explain it away? My New Republic colleague Mickey Kaus says that if liberals interpreted the Second Amendment the way they interpret the rest of the Bill of Rights, there would be law professors arguing that gun ownership is mandatory." -- Michael Kinsley Washington Post, January 8, 1990
"I have not one doubt, even if I am in agreement with the National Rifle Association, that that kind of record keeping procedure [gun registration] is the first step to eventual confiscation under one administration or another." -- Charles Morgan, Director, Washington DC ACLU
"A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie." -- VLADIMIR ILYICH LENIN
"Saying that a firearm has no sporting use because it's not a good deer rifle is like saying that a sailboat has no sporting use because it can't pull a water skier."
"If you need government agents with guns to make you do the intelligent thing, get help. If you think everybody else needs government agents with guns to make them do the intelligent thing, get humble. If you think I need government agents with guns to make me do the intelligent thing, get bent." -- YHC
"The notion is that if a gun is licensed and registered and if it's left at the crime scene, it's theoretically possible to trace the gun back to the criminal. The problem is when you talk to police they can't identify even one crime that's been solved as a result of licensing and registration. Criminals don't register their guns, and they virtually never leave them at crime scenes." -- Prof. John Lott
"It is our aim to ban the manufacture and sale of handguns to private individuals... the coalition's emphasis is to keep handguns out of private possession where they do the most harm." -- Recruiting flyer currently distributed by The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, formerly called The National Coalition to Ban Handguns.
"Tell the American people never to lose their guns. As long as they keep their guns in their hands, what happened here will never happen there." -- 1990, a student from Beijing, China, describes the last words of her parents, killed at Tiananmen Square
"[The "so called" TV show West Wing strives to] present a very balanced view of an issue, to present both sides. The only issue we don't do that on is gun control." -- Anonymous Executive Producer, West Wing (in Commentary Magazine 12/2000)
Number of physicians in the US = 700,000
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year = 120,000
Accidental deaths per physician = 0.171
(as per US Dept. of Health & Human Services)

Number of gun owners in the US = 80,000,000
Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) =1500
Accidental deaths per gun owner = 0.0000188
(US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms)

Therefore, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
(Taken from the Benton County News Tribune on the 17th of November 1999)

Q: What is the difference between a deer rifle and a sniper rifle?
A: A politician
"Most reporters are very sympathetic to gun-control agendas and will skew or lie outright about facts to promote them." -- Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
"We found that the before-and-after trends in homicide were virtually identical in the "experimental" and "control" states. So we concluded that whatever effect the Brady Act had on homicide was negligible in a statistical sense." -- GUN-CONTROL ADVOCATES DR. PHILIP COOK AND DR. JENS LUDWIG
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